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Optimising EPC and SRI together with TunES

“Tuning EPC and SRI. Practices and methods to analyse national challenges” was the event organised by the TunES project last May in Brussels where SmarterEPC contributed with its expertise an plan to equipped building assessors to adopt properly these tools.
Optimising EPC and SRI together with TunES

SmarterEPC has been invited by Empirica, the coordinator of TunES, a project co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union, aiming at optimising the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and its integration with the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) targeting 7 Energy Agencies.

Although SmarterEPC  and TunES address different sectors – TunES is working with national Energy Agencies and public entities, SmarterEPC with building assessors – the two projects share the common mission to leverage and improve the use of both EPCs and SRI equipped them with the knowledge needed.

For this reason, Sara Momi, R2M Solution Italy, during the event delivered a presentation flagging how SmarterEPC is addressing professional building assessors that are keen to learn and adopt user-friendly, yet innovative digital tools in their everyday business when serving their clients.

This will be done by the provision of an online Hub, giving easy access to a selection of advanced digital tools (software) for smart calculation of energy performance certificate (EPC) and smart readiness indicator (SRI).


EPCs and SRI implemetation challenges
SmarterEPC HUB

SmarterEPC is already working to set the basis for dedicated training and capacity building packages, with materials available online, and in several languages. This will be done by the combined action of 2 facilities:

  • A programme of training modules and learning materials, coordinated by EPB Center, tailored to professional assessors all across Europe
  • The SRI Support Centre, powered by R2M Solution France and addressing public officers in the EU Countries

The work done by the consortium and the results collected thanks to the SmarterEPC Hub validation in more than 100 pilots across Europe will be translated into easy-to-access, valuable materials foreseen for public and private experts on EPC and SRI schemes, tools to calculate them, analyses, lessons learned and much more!

R2M Solution Italy was pleased with the chance to feature the SmarterEPC project and ambition at this event and be engaged in a fruitful discussion with representatives of other projects, like SRI2MARKET and their online SRI calculation tool, as well as the iEPB project investigating the integration of SRI and EPC evidence.

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European Atlas of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) tools

Advancements in Energy Performance Tools: the new EPC Atlas

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Optimising EPC and SRI together with TunES

Optimising EPC and SRI together with TunES

“Tuning EPC and SRI. Practices and methods to analyse national challenges” was the event organised by the TunES project last May in Brussels where SmarterEPC contributed with its expertise an plan to equipped building assessors to adopt properly these tools.

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Reinforce connections from research and policy

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